The 2024 Warhammer Underworlds World Championships are almost upon us (it’s tomorrow)! Here’s a quick look at the warband breakdown for the tournament.

Looking at the field, there’s a few sweeping things to notice. Gorechosen of Dromm are dominating the player pool with 17 of 46 players piloting the warband. Other than that, the runners up in The Headsmen’s Curse and The Thricefold Discord are both at 5 players each and past that, the duplicates run low. Overall, 16 of a playable 31 warbands have representation in the field (51.6%), which I think is actually a really good amount of warband representation.

Interestingly enough, we also have 30 of 46 players playing warbands that the rules have not been released to the public (the sixteen in the Grand Alliance boxes up for preorder shortly). From a warband stance, thats 8 and 8 (revealed vs non-revealed). 8 of 13 revealed have representation (61.5%) and 8 of 16 non-revealed (50.0%).

Obviously there’s some Dromm-ination going on, and I personally can’t wait to see their rules and abilities. What do you think of the pool? Which warband are you excited to see? Which one of these is going to win Worlds? Let me know your thoughts. I’m on the Discords as Matt ~ Set The Tempo, or reach out to me at [email protected]. Thanks!