THE Warhammer Underworlds Blog & Podcast

Inside the Box: Kainan’s Reapers

Hello, Gloryseekers!

Jonathan here, with my product review of the new Kainan’s Reapers expansion!

Games Workshop was kind enough to send me a copy of this product to review, so here we go!

In this review I will be covering my thoughts on the physical contents of the box, and my general opinion of this product. For more in depth tactical thoughts and advice on how to play the warband, or a tactical review of the universals, check out the more game-play oriented card and warband reviews here:


Who are Kainan’s Reapers?

In the lore of Warhammer Underworlds, Kainan’s Reapers are a member of the Ossiarch Bone Reaper faction, within the larger Death Grand Alliance. Mir Kainan is a Mortisan Executioner, the wizard caste of the Ossiarch Bonereapers sent to collect the “bone tithe” from enemy factions. Mir Kainan was specifically sent to Direchasm with a warband of smaller Morteks in order to collect the long over-due bone tithe from the silent people, and although they are long gone, there are still plenty of bones for them collect from the chasms and enemy warbands found inside.


What Comes In The Box?

The warband box contains:

  • The miniatures for the warband’s 6 fighters
  • A page of instructions on how to put them together
  • 6 fighter cards
  • 32 faction cards
  • The above lore card
  • 30 universal cards


The Miniatures

Here are some pictures of the sprues for these miniatures. The plastic is a boney light tan color.

The miniatures for Kainan’s Reapers are a welcome change from the other four fighter warbands we’ve been assembling lately, and have some great poses. Mir Kainan is the tallest model in the game so far (measuring head to toe), which is pretty cool, and each miniature in the warband has a different enough pose so as to not make them them overly confusing on the table top. I found the miniatures very easy to assemble. No pieces were broken, the layouts of the sprues made sense, and I didn’t need to use any plastic glue at all.

Here are the assembly instructions for these miniatures:

Here are my completed miniatures!


Final Thoughts

Overall I think Kainan’s Reapers are my favorite Direchasm warband of the season from a miniature perspective (though that is about to change when the fish comes out!), and if you are interested in playing them, I think they are a great purchase, and a great addition to Underworlds: Direchasm. I do think the universal cards included in the set are on the weaker side from a power perspective, but the warband itself seems like a lot of fun to play, with an aggro-objective flex style.


Thanks for Reading!

I am very grateful to Games Workshop for allowing me to review this product.

If you liked this review, great!

If you would like to purchase, head on down to your local Warhammer Store or gaming store.

If there is anything else about the content of the box I can cover next time, or if you think I missed anything, let me know!

As always, best of luck on YOUR Path to Glory.


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Blogger, Podcast Host

Co-Founded Path to Glory in 2019. Loves to compete at the highest level possible. The FIRST EVER Warhammer Underworlds World Champion (2023).

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Notorious horde warband enthusiast and avid deck builder who truly enjoys the minutiae of the game. Founded Determined Effort (2021) before joining Path to Glory in 2023. 

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