Borgit’s Beastgrabbaz Review – Embergard

Intro Hello and welcome back to Path to Glory for another warband review! Today we’ve got the first (new) Destruction warband in the Embergard season with Borgit’s Beastgrabbaz, a collection of Gitz with a troggoth that, despite my usual disdain for Destruction aesthetics, I actually quite like visually. They’ve also been billed as a Flex […]
Grinkrak’s Looncourt Review – Embergard

Intro The Looncourt first appeared in the Gnarlwood expansion and are back with a gittish vengeance in Embergard. An alternative take on the 7-fighter horde warband, they lack both the movement shenanigans and the extra bodies (whether by starting with more or having access to Raised fighters) of warbands like the Sepulchral Guard, the Thorns […]
Da Kunnin’ Krew Review – Embergard

Intro Da Kunnin’ Krew are a bunch of low down, stinkin’ backstabbers, and they’re proud of it! Led by the Kunnin’ Mannok, they’re looking to slink, shank, and weasel their way to victory in Embergard by any means necessary, especially if it includes stabbin’ some lads. Warscroll Card Starting with the team’s Inspire condition, we […]
Blackpowder’s Buccaneers Review – Embergard

Intro Ahoy there and welcome back to Path to Glory for another warband review! Back when we heard the words “pirate ogre” I think you can imagine how quickly the jokes started flying. Sadly, in the first edition the jokes continued even after the warband’s release, as Blackpowder’s Buccaneers were simply one of the worst […]
Rivals of the Mirrored City – Zarbag’s Gitz

Intro For a bit different of a slant on this release cycle, I’ve copy-pasted my “love letter” to GW for these 4 articles, as I don’t want it to be missed if you end up only reading the ones on warbands that interest you. Holy new releases, Batman! A very pleasant surprise in the pre-release […]
Rivals of the Mirrored City – Mollog’s Mob

Intro For a bit different of a slant on this release cycle, I’ve copy-pasted my “love letter” to GW for these 4 articles, as I don’t want it to be missed if you end up only reading the ones on warbands that interest you. Holy new releases, Batman! A very pleasant surprise in the pre-release […]
Daggok’s Stab-Ladz Review

Intro Hello and welcome back to Path to Glory! Have you ever felt like your opponent just has a clearer picture of the game than you? Are you walking away from tables feeling like you got absolutely bamboozled by your opponents? Well, you could put in all that time and effort to improve and be […]
Blackpowder’s Buccaneers & Illusory Might Review

Hi Everyone, We’ve got a different styled review today. Instead of me typing up my thoughts, I am just going to share links to a Google Drive in which I have uploaded all the cards in a high quality format (it took a while to scan them all). I know some of your prefer to […]
Warband Review: Da Kunnin’ Krew

It’s about to get pretty ugly in here. We’re continuing the Harrowdeep train by reviewing the second faction from Harrowdeep: Da Kunnin’ Krew. They’re a 5 man warband comprised of 2 orruks, a hobgrot, and 2 goblins. In today’s article I’ll be covering everything you need to know about Da Kunnin’ Krew. This includes the […]
Inside the Box: Hedkrakka’s Madmob

Hello, Gloryseekers! Jonathan here, with my product review of the new Hedkrakka’s Madmob expansion! Games Workshop was kind enough to send me a copy of this product to review, so here we go! In this review I will be covering my thoughts on the physical contents of the box, and my general opinion of this […]