A Warhammer Underworlds Blog & Podcast

Inside the Box: Hedkrakka’s Madmob

Hello, Gloryseekers!

Jonathan here, with my product review of the new Hedkrakka’s Madmob expansion!

Games Workshop was kind enough to send me a copy of this product to review, so here we go!

In this review I will be covering my thoughts on the physical contents of the box, and my general opinion of this product. For more in depth tactical thoughts and advice on how to play the warband, or a tactical review of the universals, check out the more game-play oriented card and warband reviews here:


Who are Hedkrakka’s Madmob?

In the lore of Warhammer Underworlds Direchasm, Hedkrakka’s Madmob are four the meanest, Waaagh! fueled, head-claiming, snake-talking Orruk Bonesplitters out there! Their leader, Hedkrakka, is a vessel of the god Gorkamorka, and receives godly wisdom via his snake familiar, Fangs. His current mission is to seek out and destroy the greatest beast of all–the mountain of Beastgrave! The rest of the warband is equally full of wild Gorkamork-y rage, and seeks to claim heads of all sizes as they make their way into the mountain.

You can see the lore details for the warband on the included lore card:


What Comes In The Box?

The warband box contains:

  • The miniatures for the warband’s 4 fighters
  • A page of instructions on how to put them together
  • 6 fighter cards
  • 32 faction cards
  • 1 Primacy card
  • The above lore card
  • 30 universal cards


The Miniatures

Here are some pictures of the sprues for these miniatures. The plastic is the standard Orruk dark green color.

The miniatures for Hedkrakka’s Madmob are in general very easy to assemble. The pieces are mostly very large and solid, and the mold lines and clipper spots were easy to clean. I think Games Workshop did an especially good job with now the miniatures fit together, as you can’t really notice any obvious places the pieces fit together once they are assembled. You may notice from the images above that the arrow on Dakko’s bow was broken, which was the only issue I had with these models. Thankfully, it was a fairly clean break and little dab of plastic glue made it mostly good as new.

Here are the assembly instructions for these miniatures:

Here are my completed miniatures!


Final Thoughts

Overall I think the Hedkrakka’s Madmob is a great expansion for Warhammer Underworlds: Direchasm.

Gameplay wise, the warband has great stats for an aggro playstyle, and a unique advantage at the Primacy strategy. Despite being YET ANOTHER 4 fighter warband for the Direchasm season, they have their own unique qualities from the others so far, and the card art and miniatures look great.


Thanks for Reading!

I am very grateful to Games Workshop for allowing me to review this product.

If you liked this review, great!

If you would like to purchase, head on down to your local Warhammer Store or gaming store. If you prefer to shop online, check them out here

If there is anything else about the content of the box I can cover next time, or if you think I missed anything, let me know!

As always, best of luck on YOUR Path to Glory.


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