THE Warhammer Underworlds Blog & Podcast

Inside the Box: Elathain’s Soulraid

Hello, Gloryseekers!

Jonathan here, with my product review of the final warband expansion of the Direchasm season: Elathain’s Soulraid!

Games Workshop was kind enough to send me a free copy of this product to review, so here we go!

In this review I will be covering my thoughts on the physical contents of the box, and my general opinion of this product. For more in depth tactical thoughts and advice on how to play the warband, or a tactical review of the universals, check out the more game-play oriented card and warband reviews here:


Who are Elathain’s Soulraid?

Fish people! Okay, so it’s a little more complicated than that. Elathain is an Isharann Soulrender responsible for collecting the souls that the Idoneth Deepkin faction (part of the larger order grand alliance) need to survive. Heading into the Direchasm, Elathain brought a number of friends with him: his soul-bound thrall, Tammael, his Ishlaen escourt, Fuirann, his pet crab, and a spikey fish. They originally entered the mountain looking for the Silent People, but stayed for the buffet of cursed souls found within.

Here is the lore card from the box:


What Comes In The Box?

The warband box contains:

  • The miniatures for the warband’s 5 fighters
  • A page of instructions on how to put them together
  • 5 fighter cards
  • 32 faction cards
  • 1 Primacy card
  • The above lore card
  • 30 universal cards


The Miniatures

Here are some pictures of the sprues for these miniatures. The plastic is a pleasant light blue color.

I was happy to find that none of the pieces were broken on my sprues, because these are some very detailed and in some places almost spindly pieces. The rope on Tammael’s harpoon is particularly thin, and I was sure to be very careful while clipping it out. The miniatures were fairly easy to assemble, and I didn’t use any glue to hold them together. I did feel like the assembly instructions were less clear than normal, particularly because of the angles in which they showed some of the miniature pieces, but everything went together well enough.

From a visual perspective, I like the diversity found in this warband, with 3 interesting castes of Idoneth represented, and two different sea creatures. I think the crab and fish are particularly cool miniatures, as they are very different from what we are used to seeing in Underworlds. The Idoneth miniatures themselves are interesting and very detailed, but I do feel their size and poses leave something to be desired when compared to some of the other more dynamic poses and overall presence found elsewhere in the collection.

Here are the assembly instructions for these miniatures:

Here are my completed miniatures!


Final Thoughts

Wow, 10 warbands later, and we are now at the end of the Direchasm season! Although I wish the worldwide pandemic situation had allowed for more use of these miniatures, the season was absolutely one of the best so far from a cool miniature perspective, and Elathain’s Soulraid is no exception to this. Due to my Wigglefish-y nature, the Spinefin miniature is one that I cannot help be excited about, the elves are cool, and the crab is absolutely a fan favorite. On the tabletop, the warband seems fun with an aggressive finesse playstyle, and I look forward to seeing how they tick over the remainder of the season.


Thanks for Reading!

I am very grateful to Games Workshop for allowing me to review this product.

If you liked this review, great!

If you would like to purchase, head on down to your local Warhammer Store or gaming store.

If there is anything else about the content of the box I can cover next time, or if you think I missed anything, let me know!

As always, best of luck on YOUR Path to Glory.


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