Rimelocked Relics Rivals Deck Review

I realize you all may not be able to tell the order in which I’ve written these articles, but, for reference, this is the sixth and final article I’ve written in this cycle. The reason I say that is because, despite how generally thrilled I am with the revamps and Zondara, I truly believe that […]
Zondara’s Gravebreakers Review

Intro Now we have the long-awaited release of Zondara’s Gravebreakers, a warband whose unique mechanics immediately piqued a lot of interest upon their reveal (myself included). I tend to be a bit of a sucker for death warbands, specifically ones with lots of skeletons, but I quite like the look of these despite the fact […]
LVO Meta Predictions

Well, it’s been a while. Since Mark took over the blog, I haven’t felt much need to write an article. The blog has been doing quite well in his very capable hands.This delineation in duties has given me the time to devote myself further to the podcast which has been bearing the fruits of that […]
Daggok’s Stab-Ladz Review

Intro Hello and welcome back to Path to Glory! Have you ever felt like your opponent just has a clearer picture of the game than you? Are you walking away from tables feeling like you got absolutely bamboozled by your opponents? Well, you could put in all that time and effort to improve and be […]
Malevolent Masks Review

Intro Continuing the release train, we have the Malevolent Masks Rivals deck to review as well! This one is all about the mask upgrades, which are…weird. In terms of theme, I think they’re pretty well on the mark here. A given fighter can only wear one mask at a time, so you are either […]
Nine Lives – A Look at the Current State of the Ping Meta

Intro Hello and welcome back once again to Path to Glory! I hope you’ve all enjoyed reviewing the upcoming Deathgorge contents over the last week or so! Getting right down to brass tacks, I think, if you’re active on the Discords, it’s likely you’ve seen or been a part of the conversations around Abasoth’s Avalanche. […]
Deathgorge – Rules Updates

The NINTH season of Warhammer Underworlds has arrived and with it brought subzero temperatures, cool new rules, and two amazing warbands. In this short article, I’ll be detailing the changes that have been implemented for the newest season of our beloved game. Be sure to read our written reviews on this site as well as […]
Cyreni’s Razors Review

Intro Second up in our release coverage is Cyreni’s Razors, our second Idoneth warband in the game. While I’m not typically a fan of the aesthetic of aelves, Idoneth are some of the few I can get behind. I like the Soulraid models, and these follow that mold pretty nicely, with the exception that we […]
Breakneck Slaughter Rivals Deck Review

Intro Dipping into the Rivals decks, we have Breakneck Slaughter, which was again promised to us as an aggro deck and this time definitely delivered on that promise. Even with a plot card, I’m pretty excited for this one, they packed some pretty interesting mechanics in here. With some of the cards in here, I’m […]
Thricefold Discord Review

Intro Hello and welcome back to Path to Glory for yet another weekend of release coverage! While I’ve historically done a writeup for the new boards, rules updates, etc., there’s not so many changes this time, so I feel we’re alright with the coverage from the podcast on that. Make sure to give it a […]