Edge of the Knife Rivals Deck Review – Embergard

Intro Hello and welcome back to Path to Glory for another Rivals deck review! Today’s fare is the Edge of the Knife deck, only our second deck with a plot card to come out in the new edition! Outside of the rule it introduces for the deck itself, this notably means that we have our […]
Borgit’s Beastgrabbaz Review – Embergard

Intro Hello and welcome back to Path to Glory for another warband review! Today we’ve got the first (new) Destruction warband in the Embergard season with Borgit’s Beastgrabbaz, a collection of Gitz with a troggoth that, despite my usual disdain for Destruction aesthetics, I actually quite like visually. They’ve also been billed as a Flex […]
Wrecka Crew Kill Team Review

Welcome to a Kill Team review! Here on Path to Glory we love Underworlds, obviously, but we also love other games, and today I’m going to talk about the new Ork Wrecka Crew team that is coming out for Kill Team 2024. This is in the Brutal and Cunning box alongside the Ratlings team, and […]
Ratlings Kill Team Review

Welcome to a Kill Team review! Here on Path to Glory we love Underworlds, obviously, but we also love other games, and today I’m going to talk about the new Ratling Team that is coming out for Kill Team 2024. This is in the Brutal and Cunning box alongside the Wrecka Crew Ork team, and […]
Grandfather’s Gardeners Review – Embergard

Intro Glory to Grandfather Nurgle! His Gardeners are here to spread love, flora, and a slight cough. One of the newest additions to Warhammer Underworlds is our first Daemons of Nurgle team, which bear with them some interesting mechanics and very solid fighters. I think it’s time to dig right into these gleeful Plaguebearers! Warscroll […]
Jaws of Itzl Review – Embergard

Intro In one of our first expansion warbands, the Jaws of Itzl shows us some new Seraphon, a faction I am personally very glad to see get some more representation in the Underworlds! Definitely glad to see a bit of a different spin on the faction as well, bringing in a more elite warband full […]
Khagra’s Ravagers Review – Embergard

Intro I would be hard-pressed to find another set of models I am more excited to see return with new, and, hopefully, improved, rules than these. Khagra’s Ravagers have some of the most iconic chaos warrior sculpts GW has ever made, and offer callbacks to iconic sculpts and characters like Slambo and Harald Hammerstorm. Their previous iteration […]
Grinkrak’s Looncourt Review – Embergard

Intro The Looncourt first appeared in the Gnarlwood expansion and are back with a gittish vengeance in Embergard. An alternative take on the 7-fighter horde warband, they lack both the movement shenanigans and the extra bodies (whether by starting with more or having access to Raised fighters) of warbands like the Sepulchral Guard, the Thorns […]
Gorechosen of Dromm Review – Embergard

Intro Kill! Maim! Burn! Welcome back to another review where we are going to break down the Gorechosen of Dromm. They’re available in the Despoilers and Daemons warband set which I’ve just dubbed “Warbands of Chaos.” As you can imagine, they’ve been dubbed a “strike” warband which makes total sense since they are worshippers of Khorne. […]
The Headsmen’s Curse Review – Embergard

Intro A warband both near and dear to my heart makes the jump almost immediately to Embergard, and I’m quite happy to see them. The Headsmen’s Curse are a warband with a great deal of flavor, as from a certain point of view the warband itself is simply the cursed sword Terminus, as it will […]