The Farstriders 2.0 Review

Intro While you certainly may have read these in any order, the last article I’ve written for this cycle is the review for Farstriders 2.0. Again, it’s great to see an old warband getting some love in the form of a revamp, although I have to admit I am less excited for these than I […]
Toxic Terrors Rivals Deck Review

Intro At long last, we reach the end of this review cycle, finishing off with Toxic Terrors and the long-awaited return of (and proper card support for) poisons! It’s such a breath of fresh air to see some more variety in card support for different and, in the case of these two universal decks, mostly […]
Seismic Shock Rivals Deck Review

Intro The release train keeps on chugging, and here we are with my review of the Seismic Shock Rivals deck. I was thrilled when they previewed this deck, I’ve been clamoring for legitimate magic support for a long time. Magic was largely abandoned as a mechanic in large part due to the ridiculousness of Cursebreakers […]
Ephilim’s Pandaemonium Review

Intro Now it’s time for what I find to be the most exciting aspect of this release (though there is plenty to be excited about), the Ephilim’s Pandaemonium review! It’s about time we had a Tzeentch redo and wow, did they do it right. This checks all my boxes as far as cool mechanics, great […]
Domitan’s Stormcoven Review

Intro Well, hello there and welcome to Determined … uhhh … I mean Path to Glory! Before I get started with this article, I just wanted to introduce myself to the Path to Glory audience. My name is Mark (online moniker Baconborne), formerly of the Determined Effort blog for Warhammer Underworlds. Aman has graciously invited […]