Gorechosen of Dromm Review – Embergard

Intro Kill! Maim! Burn! Welcome back to another review where we are going to break down the Gorechosen of Dromm. They’re available in the Despoilers and Daemons warband set which I’ve just dubbed “Warbands of Chaos.” As you can imagine, they’ve been dubbed a “strike” warband which makes total sense since they are worshippers of Khorne. […]
Embergard PTG Content Hub

Welcome one and all to Embergard, the second edition of Warhammer Underworlds! We’ve obviously dropped a lot of content for the new edition and this will be your jumping off point to find all of it. Podcasts Of course, we are a podcast first and foremost, so please check out our Embergard episodes, which we […]
LVO Meta Predictions

Well, it’s been a while. Since Mark took over the blog, I haven’t felt much need to write an article. The blog has been doing quite well in his very capable hands.This delineation in duties has given me the time to devote myself further to the podcast which has been bearing the fruits of that […]
Deathgorge – Rules Updates

The NINTH season of Warhammer Underworlds has arrived and with it brought subzero temperatures, cool new rules, and two amazing warbands. In this short article, I’ll be detailing the changes that have been implemented for the newest season of our beloved game. Be sure to read our written reviews on this site as well as […]
Grinkrak’s Looncourt

NOTE: This article is not completed because I’ve been traveling a lot lately for work and just couldn’t fit in the time. I will finish this one, and write the Fearsome Fortress article, over the weekend to share my written thoughts. If you want to hear Zach and I review the new stuff asap, listen to […]
Thoughts on the “Championship” Format

Aman: Gnarlwood is now officially out, as of this past weekend, and I wanted to start off by saying that as a fan I am ecstatic and hopeful for the future for our beloved game. For those of you who have received your box sets, I hope you enjoyed assembling the miniatures. They’re even better […]
Tooth and Claw

Aman: The Gnarlwood hype train continues and as part of our review bonanza and in this article we’ll be exploring the Tooth & Claw rivals deck. This is a fully functional deck designed from the ground up to pick up and play. It comes with 12 objectives, 10 gambits, and 10 upgrades as well as […]
Gnarlspirit Pack

Aman: The Gnarlspirit has arrived and I’m a huge fan of this particular warband. From a visual perspective, I love the fact that GW has taken the time to flesh out the human followers of Chaos, particularly the Darkoath tribes. Each miniature is packed with so many details and personality that you can actually get a […]

Aman: Friends, welcome to the 7th season of Warhammer Underworlds! At Path to Glory, we’re super excited to discuss the contents of the box set and have prepared a comprehensive review for your to digest and enjoy. We just wanted to start out by thanking everyone who has supported us over the last 5 years, […]
Organized Play Update Sep. 2022

Hey everyone, I’ve decided to move to a weekly schedule to force out consistent content from the website. I find that the more articles and podcasts I create, the more I end up immersing myself in the game and meta. As that statement implies, I do feel a bit of a lull in my interest […]