Jaws of Itzl Review – Embergard

Intro In one of our first expansion warbands, the Jaws of Itzl shows us some new Seraphon, a faction I am personally very glad to see get some more representation in the Underworlds! Definitely glad to see a bit of a different spin on the faction as well, bringing in a more elite warband full […]
Myari’s Purifiers Review – Embergard

Intro Welcome back to another Path to Glory warband review! In this article I will be covering the first (and so far only) Lumineth warband to make it into Warhammer Underworlds, Myari’s Purifiers. Previously release in the Direchasm Expansion, they make an strong comeback in the “Heroes and Hunters” box, returning to competitive legality (and […]
Ylthari’s Guardian’s Review – Embergard

Intro Welcome to the forest! Spirits flit here and there, some friendly, and some vengeful. Ylthairi and her Guardians fight in the name of Alarielle, meting out justice across the Mortal Realms to all those who would bring harm to their goddess. They’ve made their way to Embergard, like many fighters, and now are scouring […]
Hexbane’s Hunters Review – Embergard

Intro Well, you either loved them or you hated them in the first edition, but they’re back! One of my favorite warbands aesthetically and mechanically in the first edition, it was just a shame from a feelsbad perspective that they had a, frankly, overpowered faction Rivals deck. Well, if there’s any silver lining to those […]
Brethren of the Bolt Review – Embergard

Intro One of only two warbands released during Wintermaw, the last season of the first edition, the Brethren of the Bolt appear primed and ready to translate a lot of their unique properties into the second edition. As the designers have termed them a Mastery warband, we’ll be covering some mechanics unique to the warband […]
Ironsoul’s Condemners Review – Embergard

Intro Sequitors are the God-King Sigmar’s battleline troops of the Sacrosanct Chamber, trained to fight against foes both physical and immaterial. While many of the troops from this Chamber were recalled to Azyr in recent times, Ironsoul’s Condemners remain on the battlefield, seeking to wipe out Sigmar’s foes with Aetheric might and Sigmarite plate armor. […]
The Emberwatch Review

Preamble Before we get started with this review, I wanted to give a quick summary on how we are “grading” warband releases in the new edition. I will copy/paste this into both warband articles for this release series for reference, so feel free to skip over this section if you’ve already read it in the […]
The Brethren of the Bolt Review

One of our two Wintermaw warbands, for the first time in a long time we have a core box warband that just doesn’t spark with me. I’m sure at least some of you aren’t shocked to hear that, as two folks in a trench coat just isn’t the kind of jolt you want from a […]
Cyreni’s Razors Review

Intro Second up in our release coverage is Cyreni’s Razors, our second Idoneth warband in the game. While I’m not typically a fan of the aesthetic of aelves, Idoneth are some of the few I can get behind. I like the Soulraid models, and these follow that mold pretty nicely, with the exception that we […]
The Farstriders 2.0 Review

Intro While you certainly may have read these in any order, the last article I’ve written for this cycle is the review for Farstriders 2.0. Again, it’s great to see an old warband getting some love in the form of a revamp, although I have to admit I am less excited for these than I […]