THE Warhammer Underworlds Blog & Podcast

FaR Update June 2021

Well would you look at that! Games Workshop has finally blessed us with a Forsaken and Restricted list and I am sure the community could not be happier. I personally am ecstatic. In this article, I will briefly cover the additions to the Championship and Alliance format. More importantly, I will take a look at […]

State of the Hexes June 2021

In my third article of this series, I will be discussing the current state of the meta, including the top decks and cards being used. I will also share a tier list displaying the power level of the 36 currently available warbands. For those of you unfamiliar, the idea of these articles are to highlight […]

State of the Hexes Jan. 2021

Well met, and welcome to the next installment in the ‘State of the Hexes’ series! For those of you unfamiliar, the idea of these articles are to highlight the current state of the Warhammer Underworlds meta. I use data to supplement my understanding of the current state of the game but at the end of […]

Meta Predictions Jan. 2021

Well met! I hope everyone had a wonderful, and safe, New Year’s celebration. Jonathan and I are looking forward to this year as we continue to pump out quality content across this blog and our podcast. Your continued support has been throughly appreciated and we hope to continue to meet, and exceed, your expectations. Today’s […]

Direchasm Season Update: Rules, Mechanics, and Formats

Hello, Gloryseekers! Jonathan here, covering all the details and impact of the new rules, mechanics, and event formats in the Direchasm season box set! Games Workshop was kind enough to send me a copy of Direchasm to review, so I’ve had a chance to look through the new rules as well as have some time […]