Khagra’s Ravagers Review – Embergard

Intro I would be hard-pressed to find another set of models I am more excited to see return with new, and, hopefully, improved, rules than these. Khagra’s Ravagers have some of the most iconic chaos warrior sculpts GW has ever made, and offer callbacks to iconic sculpts and characters like Slambo and Harald Hammerstorm. Their previous iteration […]
FaR Update June 2021

Well would you look at that! Games Workshop has finally blessed us with a Forsaken and Restricted list and I am sure the community could not be happier. I personally am ecstatic. In this article, I will briefly cover the additions to the Championship and Alliance format. More importantly, I will take a look at […]
Inside the Box: Khagra’s Ravagers

Hello, Gloryseekers! Jonathan here, with my product review of the new Khagra’s Ravagers expansion! Games Workshop was kind enough to send me a copy of this product to review, so here we go! In this review I will be covering my thoughts on the physical contents of the box, and my general opinion of this […]
Warband Review: Khagra’s Ravagers

Hello you Slaves to Darkness! Today I will be discussing the first warband to enter the Direchasm via an expansion: Khagra’s Ravagers. In this review I will detail the fighter cards, the Desecration mechanic, and review all the faction specific objectives, gambits, and upgrades. If you are interested in hearing our take on the Universal cards […]
Card Review: Khagra’s Ravager’s Universals

Hi everyone, Aman here! In this article, I will be reviewing the 12 universal objectives, 10 universal gambits, and 10 universal upgrades that are included in the Khagra’s Ravagers expansion. Jonathan may also comment some of his thoughts on these cards in (Jonathan – bold). Keep in mind, all of these card are brand new […]