THE Warhammer Underworlds Blog & Podcast

Set the Tempo: Tier List Update – 18 Warbands and Worlds Results

The sixteen warbands reprinted in the Grand Alliance boxes have emerged in Embergard and are ready for their second edition rules. It’s time to add them into our tier list (found here) that we’ve made for Worlds. Where the first list had been crafted based on assumptions, at this point we’ve seen the results from […]

Khagra’s Ravagers Review – Embergard

Intro I would be hard-pressed to find another set of models I am more excited to see return with new, and, hopefully, improved, rules than these. Khagra’s Ravagers have some of the most iconic chaos warrior sculpts GW has ever made, and offer callbacks to iconic sculpts and characters like Slambo and Harald Hammerstorm. Their previous iteration […]

Card Review: Harrowdeep Grand Alliance Cards

Hello Gloryseekers, Jonathan here, with a review of the newest type of cards to be released in Warhammer Underworlds: Harrowdeep – Grand Alliance Cards! These are a new type of quasi Universal cards that can be used to build decks in various formats of the game. Games workshop was kind enough to send me a […]