Gorechosen of Dromm Review – Embergard

Intro Kill! Maim! Burn! Welcome back to another review where we are going to break down the Gorechosen of Dromm. They’re available in the Despoilers and Daemons warband set which I’ve just dubbed “Warbands of Chaos.” As you can imagine, they’ve been dubbed a “strike” warband which makes total sense since they are worshippers of Khorne. […]
Gorechosen of Dromm

The final warband of the Nethermaze season has arrived! The Gorechosen of Dromm seek to commit the ultimate act of violence by wounding the realm of Ulgu itself. It’s been a while since we’ve had a Khorne warband and they certainly live up to their murderous reputation. In today’s article I’ll be covering everything you […]