
Aman: Friends, welcome to the 7th season of Warhammer Underworlds! At Path to Glory, we’re super excited to discuss the contents of the box set and have prepared a comprehensive review for your to digest and enjoy. We just wanted to start out by thanking everyone who has supported us over the last 5 years, […]
FaR Update June 2021

Well would you look at that! Games Workshop has finally blessed us with a Forsaken and Restricted list and I am sure the community could not be happier. I personally am ecstatic. In this article, I will briefly cover the additions to the Championship and Alliance format. More importantly, I will take a look at […]
Meta Predictions Jan. 2021

Well met! I hope everyone had a wonderful, and safe, New Year’s celebration. Jonathan and I are looking forward to this year as we continue to pump out quality content across this blog and our podcast. Your continued support has been throughly appreciated and we hope to continue to meet, and exceed, your expectations. Today’s […]
Enter the Direchasm With Path to Glory!

Welcome to the Path to Glory website! As a part of our constantly evolving Underworlds content creation journey, the two of us at Path to Glory (Aman and Jonathan) have decided to combine and consolidate our previous blogging efforts to this website! Our previous blogging projects on Hexes & Warbands and Well of Power will […]
Entering the Dead City

My first blog post ever over at Hexes & Warbands. The article that started it all.