THE Warhammer Underworlds Blog & Podcast

Myari’s Purifiers Review – Embergard

Intro Welcome back to another Path to Glory warband review! In this article I will be covering the first (and so far only) Lumineth warband to make it into Warhammer Underworlds, Myari’s Purifiers. Previously release in the Direchasm Expansion, they make an strong comeback in the “Heroes and Hunters” box, returning to competitive legality (and […]

Da Kunnin’ Krew Review – Embergard

Intro Da Kunnin’ Krew are a bunch of low down, stinkin’ backstabbers, and they’re proud of it! Led by the Kunnin’ Mannok, they’re looking to slink, shank, and weasel their way to victory in Embergard by any means necessary, especially if it includes stabbin’ some lads.  Warscroll Card Starting with the team’s Inspire condition, we […]

The Grymwatch Review – Embergard

Intro The noble questing nights of the Grymwatch, led by Duke Crackmarrow, have found their way to the war-torn city of Embergard. These questing heroes travel for glory, riches, and the honor of their Summerking! While the Grymwatch have been long favorites of many an Underworld player, they have been changed and affected by their […]

Blackpowder’s Buccaneers Review – Embergard

Intro Ahoy there and welcome back to Path to Glory for another warband review! Back when we heard the words “pirate ogre” I think you can imagine how quickly the jokes started flying. Sadly, in the first edition the jokes continued even after the warband’s release, as Blackpowder’s Buccaneers were simply one of the worst […]

Ephilim’s Pandemonium Review – Embergard

Intro Welcome to our review of Ephilim’s Pandemonium! We’re going through all Warbands in the new edition of Warhammer Underworlds, and here we have Tzeentch’s favored team for the first season of Organized Play. Led by the mysterious Ephilim, the Pandemonium is a group of Daemons looking to achieve their master’s enigmatic goals and spread […]

Ylthari’s Guardian’s Review – Embergard

Intro Welcome to the forest! Spirits flit here and there, some friendly, and some vengeful. Ylthairi and her Guardians fight in the name of Alarielle, meting out justice across the Mortal Realms to all those who would bring harm to their goddess. They’ve made their way to Embergard, like many fighters, and now are scouring […]

Hexbane’s Hunters Review – Embergard

Intro Well, you either loved them or you hated them in the first edition, but they’re back! One of my favorite warbands aesthetically and mechanically in the first edition, it was just a shame from a feelsbad perspective that they had a, frankly, overpowered faction Rivals deck. Well, if there’s any silver lining to those […]

Set the Tempo: A Way Too Early Tier List

As the Warhammer Underworlds World Championship for 2024 begins this week, playing in the new Embergard V2 rules, I decided to make a tier list of the current tournament legal warbands. That way, when I am completely and utterly wrong after Worlds, I can have a good laugh at how the warbands actually performed. I […]

Brethren of the Bolt Review – Embergard

Intro One of only two warbands released during Wintermaw, the last season of the first edition, the Brethren of the Bolt appear primed and ready to translate a lot of their unique properties into the second edition. As the designers have termed them a Mastery warband, we’ll be covering some mechanics unique to the warband […]

The Sepulchral Guard Review – Embergard

Being in both of the recent first edition “Starter Sets” appears to have paid off for The Sepulchral Guard, as they make the transition to the second edition via free download on Warcom. Arguably the best Take and Hold warband at the end of the first edition, it is nice to see that the designers […]