Dive Into Harrowdeep With Path to Glory

Hello, Gloryseekers! Aman and Jonathan here, welcoming you into Harrowdeep, the 5th season of Warhammer Underworlds. It’s amazing that a whole season has passed since we launched this website and with our Enter The Direchasm article. It’s been a fun season with lots of warband and card reviews, FaR list breakdowns, Meta Updates, and lots […]
Harrowdeep Season Update: Rules, Mechanics, and Formats

Hello Gloryseekers, Jonathan here, talking about the rules, mechanics, themes and ways to play in Harrowdeep, the 5th season of Warhammer Underworlds. Games Workshop was kind enough to send me a copy of the Harrowdeep set to review, so I hope you enjoy this review! _________________________ Seasonal Themes Like previous rulebooks, the rulebook for Warhammer […]
Card Review: Essential Pack

Hello, Gloryseekers! Jonathan here with a review of the upcoming Essential Cards Pack, which goes up for pre-order today here, and will release on April 17th. ____________________ What’s in the box? Games Workshop has marketed this card pack as an easy way for new players to get an infusion of universal cards, and I think […]
Warband Review: Drepur’s Wraithcreepers

Hello, Gloryseekers! Jonathan here with my review of the new Drepur’s Wraithcreepers warband! Today I will be talking about the fighters, rating the faction cards, and talking about how I think this warband plays on the tabletop. Drepur’s Wraithcreepers are one of the two warbands contained in the new Two-Player Starter Set for Warhammer underworlds, […]