THE Warhammer Underworlds Blog & Podcast

Khagra’s Ravagers Review – Embergard

Intro I would be hard-pressed to find another set of models I am more excited to see return with new, and, hopefully, improved, rules than these. Khagra’s Ravagers have some of the most iconic chaos warrior sculpts GW has ever made, and offer callbacks to iconic sculpts and characters like Slambo and Harald Hammerstorm. Their previous iteration […]

Grinkrak’s Looncourt Review – Embergard

Intro The Looncourt first appeared in the Gnarlwood expansion and are back with a gittish vengeance in Embergard. An alternative take on the 7-fighter horde warband, they lack both the movement shenanigans and the extra bodies (whether by starting with more or having access to Raised fighters) of warbands like the Sepulchral Guard, the Thorns […]

The Headsmen’s Curse Review – Embergard

Intro A warband both near and dear to my heart makes the jump almost immediately to Embergard, and I’m quite happy to see them. The Headsmen’s Curse are a warband with a great deal of flavor, as from a certain point of view the warband itself is simply the cursed sword Terminus, as it will […]

Myari’s Purifiers Review – Embergard

Intro Welcome back to another Path to Glory warband review! In this article I will be covering the first (and so far only) Lumineth warband to make it into Warhammer Underworlds, Myari’s Purifiers. Previously release in the Direchasm Expansion, they make an strong comeback in the “Heroes and Hunters” box, returning to competitive legality (and […]

Blazing Assault Rivals Deck Review

Intro Welcome back to another Path to Glory Deck review. In this article, I’ll be covering the Strike archetype deck from the Embergard box, Blazing Assault! As defined by GW, the Strike archetype is all about bold, aggressive plays, encouraging your warband to get stuck into combat with Charges and Attacks. Appropriately, lets get stuck […]

Pillage & Plunder Rivals Deck Review

Intro Welcome back to another Path to Glory deck review! In this article, I’ll be covering the Flex archetype deck from Embergard: Pillage and Plunder. As defined by GW, Flex is a mix of two or more playstyles, requiring you to consider both combat and control equally, with a risk vs. reward style of play. […]

Countdown to Cataclysm Rivals Deck Review

Intro Welcome back to another Path to Glory deck review! Now up: the Countdown to Cataclysm deck, first of the ‘Mastery’ decks in the new edition of Warhammer Underworlds! The Mastery style of deck, as defined by GW, involves introducing “new mechanics and goals, opening up entirely new ways to play.” In this particular case, […]

The Brethren of the Bolt Review

One of our two Wintermaw warbands, for the first time in a long time we have a core box warband that just doesn’t spark with me. I’m sure at least some of you aren’t shocked to hear that, as two folks in a trench coat just isn’t the kind of jolt you want from a […]

Force of Frost Review

Intro Alright everybody, chill. Obligatory pun and reference out of the way (those who don’t get it aren’t missing much), welcome to my first full article for Path to Glory. I must say, on my first readthrough of these cards I was a bit lukewarm, because I was quite ready to give the cold shoulder to […]