Cyreni’s Razors Review

Intro Second up in our release coverage is Cyreni’s Razors, our second Idoneth warband in the game. While I’m not typically a fan of the aesthetic of aelves, Idoneth are some of the few I can get behind. I like the Soulraid models, and these follow that mold pretty nicely, with the exception that we […]
Breakneck Slaughter Rivals Deck Review

Intro Dipping into the Rivals decks, we have Breakneck Slaughter, which was again promised to us as an aggro deck and this time definitely delivered on that promise. Even with a plot card, I’m pretty excited for this one, they packed some pretty interesting mechanics in here. With some of the cards in here, I’m […]
Thricefold Discord Review

Intro Hello and welcome back to Path to Glory for yet another weekend of release coverage! While I’ve historically done a writeup for the new boards, rules updates, etc., there’s not so many changes this time, so I feel we’re alright with the coverage from the podcast on that. Make sure to give it a […]
Voidcursed Thralls Meta Analysis

Intro MARK: Welcome back to another article here on Path to Glory! Today is a new type of meta analysis article where I will not be diving into a warband but rather a Rivals deck. The focus for this one will be the Voidcursed Thralls Rivals deck (which I will abbreviate as “VCT”) and its […]
Paths of Prophecy Rivals Deck Review

Intro Hello all and welcome back to Path to Glory! Apologies for the delay on our Paths of Prophecy review, our copy arrived at Aman’s place shortly before I was about to go to bed Friday night, but we’re caught up now! I’m very glad to see that GW finally released a hold objective-focused deck. […]
Skabbik’s Plaguepack Review

Intro Skabbik! Rickitt! Ickitt! Bop-It! Am I dating myself with that one? Pretty pumped today to be reviewing some more Skaven with our first Underworlds foray into Clan Pestilens: Skabbik’s Plaguepack. You guys know me, I’m a sucker for more Skaven, so I’m very excited for this box, not just for its aesthetics but also […]
Baa-aa-aa-d to the Bone – Grashrak’s Despoilers at Northbeast Champions of Wyrdhollow

Intro Mark: Hey folks and welcome to another article on Path to Glory! It’s been a pretty busy summer so far, so I apologize for lack of written content, but I am aiming to get back into the swing of things. To that end, George has kindly written up a summary of his run at […]
Voidcursed Thralls Rivals Deck Review

Intro Next up we have the Voidcursed Thralls Rivals deck, which I have to say is one of the more unique themes they’ve gone for with a deck. The idea of spreading this curse to both friendly and enemy fighters in an effort to score objectives or unlock power card effects makes for an interesting […]
The Headsmen’s Curse Review

Intro Today is a special day because it marks the first time (thanks to Path to Glory, and of course GW) that I have been able to release a review article for a new release on the day the pre-order actually goes live. I have to say, I much prefer doing it this way! In […]
Sepulchral Guard 2.0 Review

Intro An exciting time to be an Underworlds player! Not only do we have the brand new Headsman’s Curse and Voidcursed Thralls Rivals Deck being released, but we also have a new Starter Set. For the first time ever, this box returns two familiar faces with the Sepulchral Guard and Farstriders. While I initially expected, […]