Thoughts on the “Championship” Format

Aman: Gnarlwood is now officially out, as of this past weekend, and I wanted to start off by saying that as a fan I am ecstatic and hopeful for the future for our beloved game. For those of you who have received your box sets, I hope you enjoyed assembling the miniatures. They’re even better […]
Tooth and Claw

Aman: The Gnarlwood hype train continues and as part of our review bonanza and in this article we’ll be exploring the Tooth & Claw rivals deck. This is a fully functional deck designed from the ground up to pick up and play. It comes with 12 objectives, 10 gambits, and 10 upgrades as well as […]
Gnarlspirit Pack

Aman: The Gnarlspirit has arrived and I’m a huge fan of this particular warband. From a visual perspective, I love the fact that GW has taken the time to flesh out the human followers of Chaos, particularly the Darkoath tribes. Each miniature is packed with so many details and personality that you can actually get a […]
Sons of Velmorn

Zach: It’s a new season of Underworlds, and that means my favorite thing – a new Death Warband! This time around, rather than a horde Warband like Sepulchral Guard, Thorns of the Briar Queen, Grymwatch, or Kainan’s Reapers, we get a semi-elite team of Grave Guard led by a Wight King (and their father!), the […]
Daring Delvers

Aman: The Gnarlwood hype train continues and as part of our review bonanza and in this article we’ll be exploring the Daring Delvers rivals deck. This is a fully functional deck designed from the ground up to pick up and play. It comes with 12 objectives, 10 gambits, and 10 upgrades as well as a […]

Aman: Friends, welcome to the 7th season of Warhammer Underworlds! At Path to Glory, we’re super excited to discuss the contents of the box set and have prepared a comprehensive review for your to digest and enjoy. We just wanted to start out by thanking everyone who has supported us over the last 5 years, […]