Ephilim’s Pandemonium Review – Embergard

Intro Welcome to our review of Ephilim’s Pandemonium! We’re going through all Warbands in the new edition of Warhammer Underworlds, and here we have Tzeentch’s favored team for the first season of Organized Play. Led by the mysterious Ephilim, the Pandemonium is a group of Daemons looking to achieve their master’s enigmatic goals and spread […]
Ephilim’s Pandaemonium Review

Intro Now it’s time for what I find to be the most exciting aspect of this release (though there is plenty to be excited about), the Ephilim’s Pandaemonium review! It’s about time we had a Tzeentch redo and wow, did they do it right. This checks all my boxes as far as cool mechanics, great […]