Grandfather’s Gardeners Review – Embergard

Intro Glory to Grandfather Nurgle! His Gardeners are here to spread love, flora, and a slight cough. One of the newest additions to Warhammer Underworlds is our first Daemons of Nurgle team, which bear with them some interesting mechanics and very solid fighters. I think it’s time to dig right into these gleeful Plaguebearers! Warscroll […]
Khagra’s Ravagers Review – Embergard

Intro I would be hard-pressed to find another set of models I am more excited to see return with new, and, hopefully, improved, rules than these. Khagra’s Ravagers have some of the most iconic chaos warrior sculpts GW has ever made, and offer callbacks to iconic sculpts and characters like Slambo and Harald Hammerstorm. Their previous iteration […]
Gorechosen of Dromm Review – Embergard

Intro Kill! Maim! Burn! Welcome back to another review where we are going to break down the Gorechosen of Dromm. They’re available in the Despoilers and Daemons warband set which I’ve just dubbed “Warbands of Chaos.” As you can imagine, they’ve been dubbed a “strike” warband which makes total sense since they are worshippers of Khorne. […]
Ephilim’s Pandemonium Review – Embergard

Intro Welcome to our review of Ephilim’s Pandemonium! We’re going through all Warbands in the new edition of Warhammer Underworlds, and here we have Tzeentch’s favored team for the first season of Organized Play. Led by the mysterious Ephilim, the Pandemonium is a group of Daemons looking to achieve their master’s enigmatic goals and spread […]
Spiteclaw’s Swarm Review – Embergard

Welcome back to Path to Glory for yet another warband review! Today we’ll be covering one of the 13 free launch downloads for organized play: Spiteclaw’s Swarm. It’s no secret that I (and several of my co-hosts) are huge fans of the OG Skaven warband, so we’re very glad they’ve made the journey to the […]
Zikkit’s Tunnelpack Review

Preamble Before we get started with this review, I wanted to give a quick summary on how we are “grading” releases in the new edition. I will copy/paste this into all of our articles for this release series for reference, so feel free to skip over this section if you’ve already read it in another […]
Rivals of the Mirrored City – Spiteclaw’s Swarm

Intro For a bit different of a slant on this release cycle, I’ve copy-pasted my “love letter” to GW for these 4 articles, as I don’t want it to be missed if you end up only reading the ones on warbands that interest you. Holy new releases, Batman! A very pleasant surprise in the pre-release […]
Thricefold Discord Review

Intro Hello and welcome back to Path to Glory for yet another weekend of release coverage! While I’ve historically done a writeup for the new boards, rules updates, etc., there’s not so many changes this time, so I feel we’re alright with the coverage from the podcast on that. Make sure to give it a […]
Skabbik’s Plaguepack Review

Intro Skabbik! Rickitt! Ickitt! Bop-It! Am I dating myself with that one? Pretty pumped today to be reviewing some more Skaven with our first Underworlds foray into Clan Pestilens: Skabbik’s Plaguepack. You guys know me, I’m a sucker for more Skaven, so I’m very excited for this box, not just for its aesthetics but also […]
Ephilim’s Pandaemonium Review

Intro Now it’s time for what I find to be the most exciting aspect of this release (though there is plenty to be excited about), the Ephilim’s Pandaemonium review! It’s about time we had a Tzeentch redo and wow, did they do it right. This checks all my boxes as far as cool mechanics, great […]